
How to pronounce Rubtsovsk

The town of Rubtsovsk, Altai Krai, Russia, is the Siberian city which has a 30-year Sister City relationship with Grants Pass. Rs are rolled in Russian like in Spanish. Here is how to say it.

5,578 miles away in Siberia – Rubtsovsk

Where is Rubtsovsk?

Rubtsovsk (Russian: Рубцо́вск) is a city in Altai KraiRussia, located on the Aley River  281 kilometers (175 mi) southwest of Barnaul.

  Rubtsovsk is in south central Siberia, three time zones east of Moscow, near the point where the borders of Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan and Russia meet. It has a population of about 150,000 people and was founded in 1892.  It was built on the Siberian steppe (plains), where rich black soil produces wheat, sunflowers (for cooking oil), and grazing for dairy cattle. Not far from the rugged Altai Mountains to the south where rich mineral ores are found, it became a manufacturing center in the mid-20th century.

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From a small acorn grows a great tree.

From a small acorn grows a great tree. An Open World delegation to Grants Pass took home an acorn seed from Oregon and planted it in Rubtsovsk on Lenin St. near the library. Now it grows strong. Perhaps showing that despite difficult times friendship can continue and grow.

Oregon tree in Rubtsovsk

Plaza along Lenin St. by the library in Rubtsovsk.

Oregon tree

A small plaque labels the tree from Oregon operoh OPErOH

Photos by Ludmila Starchenko.

From a small acorn grows a great tree. Read More »

Welcome to our new website!

Students from Rogue Valley Community College have created this new website as part of their study.

Design students formed a design group LLAAGG to design and new logo and new website for Grants Pass Sister City. Let us know what you think.

Grants Pass became a sister city with Rubtsovsk, Siberia on September 3, 1990. For 30 years the cities have developed friendships and more than 200 people have visited their sister city.

Grants Pass Sister City

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